12 Habits Of Fit & Healthy Women


70NEWSJAPAN - The efforts we make to achieve our wellness goals can be hampered by the subconscious choices we make every day. Even minor bad habits and negative thoughts can unintentionally prepare us for failure, even when we are working hard to succeed.

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As a lifelong athlete, I’ve spent a lot of time with other healthy, fit women. Below is a list of habits and attitudes that I’ve observed elite female athletes and healthy women possess:

Fit women know that enjoying the most important meal of the day not only revs up their metabolism, but also gives them fuel to reach their daily goals. Skipping out on this meal is just not an option.

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Let me be clear, they’re not chowing down on sugary donuts. They’re eating nutritious breakfasts like Greek yogurt with berries, eggs with spinach or a green juice full of vegetables.

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