The 5 Best Books for Learning Kali Linux

Kali has had a bigger and broader impact on the field of security than anything else. It represents the absolute peak of our understanding of both hacking into systems as well as protecting them from being hacked. Kali is packed with around 300 unique tools that can allow us to penetrate a diverse variety of systems, from smartphones to WiFi networks to web applications to practically everything digital.

Read - The Complete training : Kali Linux Hacking Tutorials

It is the home of hackers. Every true security professional uses it. No other operating system even compares when it comes to the sheer power Kali provides us for hacking and penetration testing.

Over the years, I’ve read dozens of books on Kali and it’s predecessor BackTrack. I even remember the very first beta of BackTrack back in 2006. We have come a long way since then. The abilities of Kali are exponentially greater than what BackTrack ever had. And Kali is continually evolving. There has never been a better time to start learning hacking.

Read -  Tutorial on Hacking With Kali Linux

The books you’ll find below have been carefully picked and are among the best you can find for learning Kali. Each one serves a unique purpose and each one will bring you one step closer to becoming a true hacker, a master of Kali.

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